Alison Gopnik Empirical Papers: Language and Theory of Mind

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Sensitive perception of a person's direction of walking by 4-year-old children

T. Sweeney, N. Wurnitsch, A. Gopnik, & D. Whitney (2013). Sensitive perception of a person's direction of walking by 4-year-old children. Developmental Psychology 49(11):2120-2124.


Learning about the mind from evidence: Children's development of intuitive theories

Meltzoff, A. N., & Gopnik A. (2013). Learning about the mind from evidence: Children's development of intuitive theories of perception and personality. In S. Baron-Cohen, H. Tager-Flausber, & M. Lombardo (eds.), Understanding Other Minds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 3rd ed., 19-34.


Reading minds: How iInfants come to understand others

A. Gopnik & E. Seiver (2009). Reading minds: How infants come to understand others. Zero to Three 30(2):28-32.


Reversing how to think about ambiguous figure reversals: ...

S. Mitroff, D. Sobel & A. Gopnik (2006). Reversing how to think about ambiguous figure reversals: Spontaneous alternating by uninformed observers. Perception 35(5):709-715.


Ambiguous figures perception and theory of mind ... in children with autistic spectrum disorders

Sobel D.M., Capps L.M., & Gopnik A. (2005). Ambiguous figure perception and theory of mind understanding in children with autistic spectrum disorders. British Journal of Developmental Psychology 23(2):159-174.


Asynchrony in the cognitive and lexical development of young children with Williams syndrome

Nazzi, T., Gopnik, A., & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2005). Asynchrony in the cognitive and lexical development of young children with Williams syndrome. Journal of Child Language. 32:427-438.


Source monitoring reduces the suggestibility of preschool children

J. Giles, A. Gopnik, & G. Heyman (2002). Source monitoring reduces the suggestibility of preschool children. Psychological Science 13(3):288-291.


Linguistic and cognitive abilities in infancy: ...

T. Nazzi & A. Gopnik (2001). Linguistic and cognitive abilities in infancy: When does language become a tool for categorization? Cognition 80:B11-B20.